About How To Write a Game
How To Write a Game is a free monthly newsletter that explores everything related to writing for games. If you’d like to support HTWG, you can make a small donation by clicking the button below.
About Ryan Matejka
Ryan Matejka is an Award-Winning Narrative Designer and Community Manager at Vertigo Gaming Inc. He’s been writing professionally since 2013 and personally since he was 13 years old. He lives in the midwest United States with his partner, children, and dog.
Contact Info
Email: MatejkaRyan[at]gmail.com
LinkedIn: /matejkaryan
Twitter: @RyanMatejka
Mastadon: @RyanMatejka
Instagram: @RyanMatejkaWrites
Portfolio: www.ryanmatejkawrites.com
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Narrative Designer and Community Manager for Vertigo Gaming Inc.